shinypanels - Shiny Layout with Collapsible Panels
Create 'Shiny Apps' with collapsible vertical panels. This package provides a new visual arrangement for elements on top of 'Shiny'. Use the expand and collapse capabilities to leverage web applications with many elements to focus the user attention on the panel of interest.
Last updated 9 months ago
6.01 score 80 stars 43 scripts 282 downloadsgenero - Estimate Gender from Names in Spanish and Portuguese
Estimate gender from names in Spanish and Portuguese. Works with vectors and dataframes. The estimation works not only for first names but also full names. The package relies on a compilation of common names with it's most frequent associated gender in both languages which are used as look up tables for gender inference.
Last updated 5 years ago
4.00 score 2 stars 9 scripts 157 downloads